The Ancient Myths Of Seo

The Ancient Myths of SEO MAY 12TH 2017 POSTED BY: BRETT R. SMITH Most of us either know very little about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or just enough to be dangerously overconfident about what we're doing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has gained a reputation for being one of the most crucial elements of a digital strategy. The reason is that it focuses on taking a business website on the top of the search rankings, which itself is the main purpose of digital marketing.

  • The type of SEO meant to trick search engines into believing false popularity and relevancy signals in order to rank content higher. In fact, many of the myths in the post boil down to some folks' inability to distinguish between hard-working SEO and search engine spam. Which leads us to: 7.
  • In this Ekwa Marketing ( video, we discuss some of the top SEO myths. You'll find out what is fact and what is fiction, and how they are key in growing your business.

Even though a majority of businesses are embracing SEO today to boost their visibility and revenues, there are some myths that paint a wrong picture of this digital marketing technique.

Whether you are a business looking to build an online presence or a reseller considering hiring an agency to handle SEO for your clients, you need to know about these misconceptions. Let us debunk the most common myths about SEO and give you clear facts.

1] SEO guarantees rankings

Reaching the top search rankings is a tricky task that can take months to be achieved. SEO does not guarantee lightning fast and sure results and you should not fall for any false claims. A good SEO agency will not promise miracles but rather focus on factors like content and user experience to strengthen your core first.

Furthermore, they will make efforts to boost your presence with the help of the right keywords. If you are a reseller looking for a reliable outsourcing service provider, you can check to partner with a result-oriented team.

2] Link building is no longer important

Ancient myths concerning mars

Another SEO myth that needs to be clarified is related to link building as it has not lost its significance in any way. Links are still a major part of the way that Google decides the sites that make it to the top ranks.

Getting good backlinks, therefore, can help you to strengthen your online presence. This may require some investment but the results it brings will be worth every penny that you spend.

3] More pages will get you higher ranks

If you think that having more pages on your website will fetch you a higher rank, you are mistaken. There are websites that are ranking high for their target keywords irrespective of the fact that they have a few pages.

The quality and value of the content you serve on your site is more important than the number of pages. It is equally important to update the content regularly to maintain your ranking, which is the reason that blog becomes a significant element of SEO strategy.

4] Only exact keywords will drive results

Another common SEO misconception is that only using the exact target keywords will get you results. This was true earlier but Google has adopted a more sophisticated approach that gives emphasis to the context and relevance.

Consequently, keyword variations have become as important as the target keywords. With this, SEO strategists have started focusing on optimizing the content or blog post with keywords as well as variations.

Ancient Myth Song

5] Mobile optimization is not important

If you are not including mobile optimization in your SEO strategy, you should not expect the site to reach the top. Google algorithm has been tweaked to give preference to websites that are optimized for delivering consistent user experiences across the web and the mobile. Thus, it becomes important to debunk this myth too.

As a business, you should look for a skilled and experienced SEO partner that knows all about the ways of getting optimal results for your business website with minimal efforts.

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At the same time, you should have your basics right so that you are aware of the best practices used to get good search rankings for your site.

SEO- Search engine optimization is the modern, acknowledged way to increase the amount and quality of traffic to the website by organic search engine results.

But even though SEO is a proven model there are some doubts and even myths around it.

Below I offer 7 most popular myths about SEO.

77. Google Answer boxes are putting SEO in danger

1. SEO is all lies

This is probably the most illogical and wrong opinion about SEO, which was probably made up by people who were seeking for the immediate result without putting much effort in it. If there is enough effort and commitment in it there is no way of SEO not working. And if the company is looking for success it should invest a good amount of money in SEO as a marketing strategy.

2. Doing SEO once does it all

This myth is connected to the previous one. Investing in SEO once, or even a few times is not the best idea if a company wants to see some good result. As the competition is extensive and new pages are being created simultaneously you might stay behind if you hesitate to invest in it.

3.SEO guarantees top rankings right away

Ancient Myths Collection

Even though there might be some SEO promising top rankings right away in search engines, there can’t be any kind of guarantee of such thing. SEO is oriented on a long-term result, for your companies rankings to be stable and it needs some time to be achieved.

4. The quality of the keywords don’t matter

SEO Keywords matter the most when it comes to pushing the rankings of the website. These are the words of your web content that make your website “searchable”. The success of the website is depended on the quality of the keywords used in the content. If relevant and demanded keywords are used, it is more likely to get visited by more people.

5. More amount of words in the content lead to higher rankings

First of all, the number of words in the content don’t define the quality of it. When It comes to SEO the thing that really matters is finding out exactly what people are looking for and providing it in a better way than the opponents. Offering valuable, specific and brief information can be way beneficial.

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6. Google doesn’t support SEO

The fact that Google published its own SEO Starter guide says it all. Besides that, Google Readily talks about the usefulness of SEO services and because of all the positive things it states about SEO agencies Google seems to not only support but also promote it. The only kind of SEO that Google is against of, are the manipulators, who try to fool search systems.

7. Google Answer boxes are putting SEO in danger

The Ancient Myths Of Seo

Our lives seem to become easier as the answer boxes were added in Google. We seem to get brief and specific answers without visiting the links. Although there might be some logic behind this myth, the statistics show the opposite. Studies show that most of Google answer boxes contain linked attribution, and even with the existence of answer boxes most of the people visit the cited websites.

Even though everything that we talked about is the myths about SEO, it’s still important to choose the experienced and qualified company for the best results. SEO companies in Dubai offer some quality service, but connecting with the best company out of the good ones is the optimal decision. Be Unique Group is considered to be the best for various reasons. The company’s goal is to bring success to their customers. An award-winning marketing consultancy and digital agency with highly motivated professionals care about their customers and work hard to go beyond the customers’ expectations.

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