Cue Rockstar Tahoe


Cue Rock Star Tahoe Rst

Faculty submissions

We are no longer accepting faculty submissions for the 2015 season.

February Dates
CUE Rock Star Teacher Mini Camp

February 13-15

March Dates
CUE Rock Star Teacher Jam Sessions at Annual CUE
March 19-21

CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Chico
June 15-17

CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Tulare County
June 17-19

CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp La Jolla
June 23-25

CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Lake Tahoe
July 6-8
CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Saugatuck, MI hosted by MACUL

CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Boston, MA Hosted by EDCO Collaborative and MassCUE

August 5-7
CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Crescent City

Cue Rock Star Tahoe Hotels

CUE ADMIN ROCKSTAR, November 2015 (coming soon.) Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: CUE Rockstar Lake Tahoe- July 2015 Day 1: Project Based Learning & Project Management Slidedeck Project Based Document (Assignment) Day 2: Scratch Introduction for classroom teachers with a focus on Math Slidedeck Scratch Document (Assignment) Scratch Studio built by @creeperwc500 & Sample training. CUE Rockstar Tahoe- connecting with so many awesome educators in a fabulous location! Jeffrey, one of my first graders shouting, “Hey, someone in Asia is looking at our blog!” when our map lit up. Below are some of the resources that were discussed during the CUE Rockstar Lake Tahoe session about the flipped classroom. Feel free to peruse. If you would like to add resources, simply fill out the form below. CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Lake Tahoe Join us for three days of hands-on learning and collaborative conversations in the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains. Truckee is a beautiful mountain town just outside Lake Tahoe on the Truckee River. CUE Rock Star Lake Tahoe Join us for three days of hands-on learning and collaborative conversations in the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains. Truckee is a beautiful mountain town just outside Lake.