

Castlevania Game Release

We gave a professional and honest review of Castlevania: Season 1. Read the review, check out the DVD cover and the theatrical posters, and look at some stills from the movie. Inktober day 10: “Pattern”. Inktober day 11: “Snow”. Inktober day 12: “Dragon”. It may be uuuuuuh.checks watch.January, but since I still want to finish what I started, here are some more inktober drawings. Konami’s acclaimed Castlevania series continues on mobile with Aria of Sorrow. Escape the castle's labyrinths and perilous monsters by capturing the souls of enemies to improve you abilities.

Hi, thanks for your interest in my Super Nintendo fan site. I am curious as to how many people are still interested in this stuff so I put it up on a free host before I decide to spend money on a domain and hosting. Hope you enjoy going down memory lane, thanks!

My FAVORITE Nintendo Games

Megaman 2

Megaman 3


Super Mario 3


Metal Storm

Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (yeah I know…)

Castlevania games ratingCastlevaniagamerate

My FAVORITE Super Nintendo SNES Games

Dragons Crest

Super Mario World

Castlevania Game Release Date

Final Fantasy III

Castlevania Game Release Timeline

Chrono Trigger

Super Castlevania IV

Castlevania Games Rating

Actraiser 1

Actraiser 2